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Spirituality in Profession

Spirituality in Profession is the new concept getting attraction very rapidly, everybody is feeling stressed and unsecure in his/her area of work. Hence they search for some Counsellor or Life coach and prefer to take guidance so that Clarity of Goal is possible.

Spirituality is the divine science which can be understood once we have experience by heart. We work hard to achieve our Goal but feel stressed and depressed if the same could not be fulfilled within the time specified. We visit many temples, holy places and do pray but most of the time our prayer is unanswered but still we keep on visiting temples/ holy places from time to time believing one day our prayer will manifest.

Our results come based on our strong thoughts patterns hence we have to learn the art of thought management. The past life and this life karma impact our life by different thoughts which hammer our mind when we sleep and wake up. The traffic of thought cannot be controlled by our self hence most of us do meditation and follow their GURU guidance.

Our knowledge, wisdom and experience are not sufficient to elevate yourself, the involvement of spiritual knowledge grows our professional journey. In my view spiritual power connects us once we use our right brain which is also known as Spiritual Quotient (SQ). All the successful people in the past or present used SQ in their life to get the success in their professional area.

Hence we can say Spirituality is the divine roadway which should merge with our knowledge and experience to transform our professional journey.

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